Carlos Duque

Carlos Duque's profile picture

About Me

I'm a Computer Science student who loves learning and bringing my ideas to life using technology.

I've always been fascinated by the idea of building websites. This led me into the world of web development. After some research, I came across HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and started learning about these technologies. This was when I realized how much I enjoy coding and decided to pursue a career in tech.

I'm currently a Software Engineer Intern with an expected graduation date of December 2023. I'm open to hearing about different job opportunities related to software engineering. So, if you think I'd be a good fit for your team or company, don't hesitate to reach out!


Schedule Finder project image
Web Application

Schedule Finder

Web application that allows users to sign up, create a schedule and compare it to the schedules of other users to find common availability times. This project started as a Hackathon project but has being continuously maintained and improved. It is a full-stack project that uses React and TypeScript for the UI, and the data is delivered by a REST API built with Express.js and MongoDB.

React.js TypeScript Redux/Redux Toolkit React Router Tailwindcss Express.js MongoDB
Global LI project image

Global LI

Website built for a professor from my college as part of an internship. It displays data visualizations about the results of a study regarding exports and foreign direct investment on Long Island. It uses JavaScript to fetch the data visualizations from a REST API and showcase them in a dashboard-style layout.

JavaScript Python Flask HTML CSS
Distract Block project image
Google Chrome Extension

Distract Block

This is a Google Chrome extension designed to enhance productivity by blocking distracting websites. It was developed for the CEWIT Hackathon in 2021, where my team and I won the "Best Education Hack" category. The extension has been published on the Chrome Web Store and you can start using it by clicking the "demo" button below.

JavaScript HTML CSS
Oasis project image
Web Application


For the capstone project of my C# class at college, my team and I decided to recreate the course registering system of our school with a more modern-looking UI. In this web app you can create an account, look at the offered courses, add and drop courses, and look at your schedule.

Thanks for reaching out!
I'll get back to you as soon as I can!!


Let's get in touch!